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Anyone interested in developing their spiritual intelligence is invited to join our community for “Awakening SI,” a free series of gatherings and workshops occurring every third Friday of the month starting in February 2024. The format of each meeting will begin with a brief meditation, a short talk by Yosi, and then a small breakout group experiential exercise, followed by community-wide questions, comments, and discussion. To learn more, click here.

Spiritual Intelligence
Spiritual Intelligence (SI) is our ability to draw on and embody qualities from the world’s wisdom and spiritual traditions that have been shown to enhance functioning and wellbeing. To learn more about my research into Spiritual Intelligence and to receive your free Spiritual Intelligence profile highlighting your strengths, areas for growth, and curated tips for development, click here.
Spiritually Intelligent Leaders (SILeaders) have the rare ability to ignite a sacred spark of passion in themselves and in others. They go on to create communities that are unmatched in cohesiveness and utterly aligned in missions, visions, and values. For client case studies and transformational practice exercises for developing your SILeadership capacities, check out my Nautilus Book Awards Gold Medal-winning book. For more information about my research into Spiritually Intelligent Leadership, or to assess and develop your Spiritual Intelligence competencies, click here.

CEO Coaching
My work as a confidant, counselor, and coach for CEOs supports organizational leaders as they develop into SILeaders. For more about my coaching work, click here.
I offer integrated psychotherapy for adults and couples with a focus on couples interested in passionate, conscious relationships that serve their psycho-spiritual healing and growth. For more about my therapy practice, click here.

Engendering Love
Engendering Love is a new annual online summit I founded that features conversations on gender, femininity, masculinity, healing, and fluidity. To tune in, click here.

My website, trueMASCULINITY.org, aims to redefine for all what it means to “man up,” liberating our dignity and empowering ourselves and those around us in their humanity. To learn, share, and connect, click here.

Thanks for dropping in!